Milieu and Venues

happenings and events: culture and society

2015: Ratgeb Skulpturpfad Herrenberg

2 years in the making, Glaswerkstatt Dierig

13 Bilder

2006: Glaswerkstatt Dierig Überlingen

14 days work, concept first materialized on site

17 Bilder

2003: Studio Poale Tzedek, Cluj, Romania

Studio project "Flying Golem"

15 Bilder

2002: Symposion Cluj, Romania

International artists, thought-provoking exchange

5 Bilder

1996: Lithography workshop Vac, Ungarn

Working at Nalors Grafika since 1992

13 Bilder

1994: Zentral-Textilmuseum, Lódz, Poland

Ausstellung and Installation "Tranzitus"

18 Bilder

1992: Diocesan Museum Warshau, Poland

Patronage Cardinal Josef Glemp

3 Bilder

1990: Atelier Schorndorf, Germany

Performance, Photos by Karin Mueller, Leonberg

11 Bilder

1988: Mark di Suvero Stuttgart, Germany

Good friends, Enrico Martignoni & Mark di Suvero

7 Bilder

1987: Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City

May 1987 Loft of Mark di Suvero in New York

6 Bilder