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Bemerkenswerte in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
  keeping your sites posted on modern art!

  • A Painting to Study    1024 x 768 dpi recommended for viewing
    Educational (can be downloaded as ZIP file!
    Explaining a modern painting in modern terms (English) - a new paradigm of seeing. In this example the language of the systems theory (form observation, discrimination and differentiation: as applied by the late systems theoretic, Niklas Luhmann) explains the interaction of a painting´s forms in understanding how an art work communicates; the significance of systems theory approach towards comprehending processes of meaning, and communication in modern art.

  • Making Art-Sense
    Three contemporary perspectives on modern art (German)
    by authors, Niklas Luhmann, Dirk Baecker, Frederick Bunsen, and Peter Renz

  • Religious & modern art expression
    Historische Dokumentation:
    Zeitgenössische Kunstinstallation in der kath. Kirche St. Borromäus
    in Winnenden bei Stuttgart (20. Februar bis 16. April 1999).

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